Welcome to Launching Your Podcast- Mastering the Mindset & Mechanics of Podcasting

If you are like me, you want to host a podcast so that you can create a connected community of like-minded people. You want to fill your world with people that share your interests, dreams & passions. You want to know that your voice can make a difference in this world. Maybe you even see starting a podcast as an important part of your business marketing strategy. Raise your hand if this sounds like you.

BUUUUUT then you start to feel this way....

You feel overwhelmed by all the options for equipment. You feel unsure & confused about how to record & edit your podcast.

You wonder how to get your podcast listed on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher and other top podcast listening platforms.

You wonder how to grow your audience and promote your podcast because you really want your message to make a difference in the world!

You wish you had someone by your side the whole way helping you to figure out all the intricacies of launching a podcast.

Whew! We've been there and had those concerns too!

So we created this LIVE 6-week intensive & interactive podcasting workshop just for you! We want to be with you on your journey to making your dreams of creating a community through your podcast a reality.

This LIVE workshop is lead by me, Tiphany Kane, host of the Love & Life After Divorce podcast, and co-host of Mastering the Podcaster Mindset podcast, and David Sais, Professional Sound Editor, Sound Engineer, Podcast Producer & co-host of Mastering the Podcaster Mindset podcast. At the end of this 6-week workshop, not only will you have your podcast ready to launch, you will be ready to create a connected community of listeners that grows your business! We will be with you every exciting step of the way!

Join Launching Your Podcast- Mastering the Mindset & Mechanics of Podcasting

🌟Join today and get the special bonus "Look & Sound Like a Pro" with Professional Actor, Sound Designer & Voice Coach, Greg Sais.🌟 $500 value!

We will host this workshop live each week, have a Facebook group for support during the workshop, have live Q & A sessions, and have fun weekly challenges to get your podcast launched!

Click on the link below to join our 6-week live, interactive workshop. 

Just think, in a few short weeks, you can be a podcast star! 

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Launching Your Podcast 6-week course

Launching your Podcast: Mastering the Mindset & Mechanics of Podcasting 6-week course

997.00 USD

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Click on the button below to join our Facebook community. All of our training and support will happen in this community!

When you join- be sure to create an introductory post so we can get to know you!
