Growth Accelerator Program (GAP)

If you’re looking at your podcast and wondering things like:

  • How can I turn more listeners into subscribers?
  • How can I understand my data to make better decisions about my podcast?
  • How can I integrate my podcast better with the other parts of my marketing?
  • How can my content marketing become more streamlined?
  • Are my calls-to-actions as effective as they could be?
  • How can I continue to grow my podcast audience?

Then you’ve found your exact right mastermind.

Inside the Growth Accelerator Program:

  • 1x/monthly (virtual) meeting, with structured training and experts along with live workshopping and Q&A to work on your specific goals and podcast
  • Customized action plans for each month to take action on to support your visibility, leads and sales plan
  • Professional podcast review at the beginning of your time with us where we will review your data for patterns, trends and where to focus your energies next to achieve your goals

“GAP” Will Help You:

  • Simplify and streamline your listener journey from new download through new client
  • Workshop your CTAs, content delivery and distribution to maximize exposure and audience growth
  • Refine your podcast to become your business’ biggest supporter to your sales and marketing goals
  • Understand other methods of monetization, such as sponsorships and ads, so you can include them in your podcast (if you choose) in a high integrity way
  • Capitalize on social media marketing to expand your podcast’s exposure
  • Generate feedback and close relationships with your listeners
  • Build your short and long term goals for your show as it grows alongside your business

The result: no more podcast headaches, stagnant listenership or uninspired recording sessions. We will guide you through your podcast strategy and surround you with the guidance, coaching and community you need.

Join Us Today!

6 Month Payment Plan



