Vegan Vitamin Cheat Sheet 

Because adequate nutrition during pregnancy is the most crucial factor for development, the effects of a vegan diet during pregnancy is more serious.  

Therefore, in such circumstances, it is advised to plan properly and ensure you're getting all your vital nutrients from healthy and nutritious fruits and vegetables; as well as supplementing where needed.  

To make it easier to check off what you're eating each day and ensure you're getting your fill of vitamins - I've created this super easy vegan vitamin cheat sheet.  

Simply print off and stick to your fridge. 

Our bodies are like very complicated machines and we need fuel (energy) and lots of different nutrients to help build, repair and make them work for us.

It is vital, and never more so then on a plant based diet through pregnancy that we have a balanced diet and we eat a variety of foods to provide those nutrients. Each VITAMIN performs different functions in the body from promoting healthy bones and teeth, to helping us absorb more calcium and iron and acting as a powerful antioxidant to to prevent harmful substances that enter our bodies and cause harm.  

Be sure that you're getting the vital nutrients that you and your baby need throughout pregnancy.

Here's to a happy healthy pregnancy 

Simply print off and stick to your fridge.
