Create popular retreats

Earn great money

Travel the world

More and more people are unhappy, stuck and unfulfilled in their careers.

They are looking for new and innovative ways to do what they love while earning great money, and which allows them to travel before they retire.

Is this you? 

  • You’re ready to stop just earning a paycheck
  • You’re tired of going through the motions
  • You want to use your gifts
  • You want to find something that excites you and
  • You love to help people.
  • You’re definitely ready to travel and explore the world NOW.
  • You don’t want to wait until someday.

Enough of hearing about how you can turn your passion into profits. It’s time to do it.

Are you ready?

Then leading retreats is just what you’re looking for!

Travel/tourism is the second fastest growing sector in the world, ahead of healthcare, information technology and financial services. People really want to travel. People just like you. Why not help them do just that on a retreat?


You sharing something that you love (or hiring a teacher) - like yoga, scrapbooking, photography, writing, or (fill in your passion here)...

In a beautiful, exotic and exciting destination, (or right in your own backyard, it’s all up to you)...

Surrounded by interested and enthusiastic clients. And GETTING PAID to do it!

I know because I’m doing it!

For the past several years, I’ve led transformational retreats where I teach empowerment and spirituality to Black women. I combine Black history, culture and sisterhood while I create new friendships, enjoy traveling to new and amazing places, spend my days exploring my favorite subjects and chillin’ on the beach.

My name is Regine, Owner of Black Butterfly Journeys Retreats and I started my retreat business because I was tired of spending most of my days (and sometimes nights) doing work that wasn’t fulfilling.

I call myself a recovering attorney because I invested my time, energy and resources into my legal career even though it honestly wasn’t doing it for me. The dream career I imagined for myself wasn’t working and eventually crashed and burned.

I got fired!

I didn’t know what I was going to do next. I knew that I didn’t want to go back to the status quo.

That’s when I discovered retreats. And I realized that I could do what I love, share my passion with others, earn great money and travel the world. #winning. So while I was still working as a lawyer, I created Black Butterfly Journeys.

What’s so cool is that since starting my business, I started to enjoy the law again. I don’t have as much time for it as I did before my side hustle, but that’s another story.

One of the benefits I love about retreats as a side hustle is that you can earn as little or as much money as you have the time and energy for. All while doing what you love with people you love to spend time with.

Because you have that thing in common you all love (the thing that you’ll be sharing on your retreat).

Maybe you want to make some extra money to redo your kitchen…

Perhaps you want to contribute to Tyrone’s college fund, take that extra vacation or just cuz you want it.

Imagine bringing a group of people together because you love writing, or you’re an editor and want to help people finally get their book written and finished.

Or, maybe you’re a vegan chef and would love to teach people how to prepare healthy, clean foods.

You may not be a teacher or leader, but just love to paint or create flower arrangements and would love to spend a weekend practicing and playing with people who get it.

(Yes, you don’t have to teach or lead. You can bring in an expert to help you.)

Why not put together a day, overnight, weekend, week-long retreat (or longer, it's up to you), to allow your people to do what they love without interruptions?

And make great money doing it!

If you’re like me, there’s nothing better than traveling for free (or almost free.) Well, that’s what I get to do when I lead a retreat. I pick locations that I either have been and love going or would like to visit…

Places like Bali, Costa Rica, Mexico, Brazil (sunning and beaching are two of my favorite verbs.) And, because I’m leading the retreats, my travel is always free. Plus after the retreat, I get to explore close-by locations for future retreats and make it a business trip. 

But, it’s not all just about fun and sun. I also really love to help and serve as well. There are so many areas in the world where people live on a fraction of what we earn in America. If social traveling is your thing, then you’ll love visiting countries where you can make a positive impact in just a few days. 

That’s one of my things, too. That’s why I took groups to Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world, volunteered at schools and donated much-needed food and supplies. The possibilities of retreats are limitless, it’s all up to you.

Yup. You can do that too!

You can get paid for something that you LOVE & would totally do for FREE.

It started as a dream for me over 4 years ago, and today, Black Butterfly Journeys is a six figure Side Hustle business.

NOW, I’m excited to share the exact steps that helped me create Black Butterfly Journeys with you.

Introducing: The Retreats Side Hustle Academy©

Creating your own transformational retreats or events isn't that complicated but there is definitely a right way and a hard way.

As long as you have a passion and a willingness to put in some work…

(Honestly, it is work, but it’s more work doing something you hate.)

Finding something you love and are passionate about is a key to earning good money. Your passion is that something that feels natural to you; as if you just have to do it. And I know you have at least one passion because we all do (even if you don’t know what it is yet.)

Like Maya Angelou says, “when you get give, when you learn teach.”

Wouldn't it be cool to use your passion to teach and share what you know with others?


Retreats Side Hustle Academy© is an 7 Week Online Self-Paced Course taught by me, Regine, in which I walk you step-by-step through what you need to start creating, filling and selling retreats as a successful side hustle.

You’ll get:

  • Seven (7)  Virtual Classes - For each class, I walk you through each step to start making that side hustle income.
  • Tools & Handouts - I’m making this as easy for you as possible. You get my website outlines, sign up forms and documents, legal protection forms, etc. All you have to do is COPY & PASTE.
  • My knowledge, skills and talents as a lawyer, business owner, entrepreneur, retreat leader, teacher and coach.


Class 1 - Find your Niche

In our first class, we’ll go over some key elements that are essential in finding your niche retreat offering. Together, we’ll figure out who you are and what valuable gifts you have to share that will help you create lucrative retreats. This is where you passion comes in.

Class 2 - Location, Location, Location

In this class, you’ll learn how to pick a great location, get the best deal for you and your clients and make your venue look and feel amazing.

We’ll also talk about the best time of year to hold your retreat, create a retreat planning timeline, figure out your dates, length of time for the retreat and other housekeeping details necessary to make your retreat a success.

Class 3 - It’s all about the WWW

In our third class, you’ll learn how to build a beautiful website that attracts clients who want to invest in the retreat, plus all of the other stuff that will support your online presence.

Class 4 - Teach and Grow Rich

Next up is program and content. Here you’ll learn how to create an exciting and enlightening program that’s both entertaining and informative. The more value you add here, the more you can charge. We’ll also talk about what you need to do to take care of yourself. Very important!

Class 5 - Sold out

How to fill your retreat and close the sale is what we’ll cover in our seventh class. You’ll learn what a lead is, where to get clients and ultimately sell them into your fabulous retreat.

Class 6 - Money Money Money

Class 6 is all about the dollars and sense. You’ll learn how to price your retreat to turn a profit each and every time (straight out of the box.) Plus, we’ll talk about the various ways to accept money.

Class 7 - Paper Trail

You’ll get all the documents, forms and templates that I use in class 6, plus waivers, cancellations policies that you’ll need to protect yourself. Although I’m a lawyer, I’m not your lawyer, but I’ll hook you up anyway.

After going through the Retreat Side Hustle Academy, you’ll be ready to lead your first or next retreat in no time. Why? Because you’ll have all the knowledge, tools and resources you need.

*Course content subject to modifications depending on the program participants’ needs.
“I launched my first retreat within days of completing the course!”

“Regine’s “Retreat Side Hustle” course was packed with practical information, resources and motivation. Coverage of the industry of travel, events and varied themed retreats was pivotal in launching my first retreat within days of completing the course! Regine answered questions related to the marketing, business, ethics and regulatory aspects for success and service to clients while creating a prosperous side gig! I highly recommend!” Kathy A Hampton, Wellside Retreats, Inc.

“I finished the course with over 50% of my retreat planned.”

“Being a student in "Retreat Side Hustle" was an awesome experience. I found Regine to be professional and knowledgeable in every aspect of the course topics. She is comprehensive in all things retreat, leaving me with few questions after each class.

The one thing I didn't expect but, so loved, was, through the "worksheet assignments and extra credit work" I was actually creating my retreat in almost real time. (This was a little intimidating to know.)

I remember thinking, "this is moving kind of fast but, now I see it wasn't too fast but, right on time. She knows what she's doing. I finished the course with over 50% of my retreat planned. I'm satisfied and inspired about my future as a "retreat host. Thanks again Regine!” Stacye

“I felt revived, recharged and restored.”

“After [attending a Black Butterfly Journeys] retreat, I felt revived, recharged and restored. I want to be a catalyst to help other women, particularly caregivers experience the same power in their lives. I’ve learned that it’s really not about titles or positions. Your impact and influence in your little corner of the earth is what matters most. That’s the REAL, meaning of work.” Dajuana


My dream is that you have the:

  • Confidence to create and lead your first retreat sharing your passion and gifts with others
  • Peace of mind that comes with knowing that you have the tools and resources you need
  • Money to make all the hard work worth it with some to share, spare and splurge
  • Ability to do this all a lot easier than I did when I first started; and the
  • Support you need to take this new journey


  • Retreat 101: Learn the Ins-and-Outs of a Running a Successful Retreat that both captivates and transforms the attendees. ($1,000 Value)
  • Academy Modules: - 7 Modules showing you exactly how to turn your Passion into a Profit by creating your side hustle Retreats. ($997 Value)
  • Planning Your Retreat: This is a course in itself. You get an A-to-Z system that gives you everything you need from finding a location to getting the best rates, planning your experience, and more. ($997 Value)
  • Tribe Finder: An in-depth exploration into the various strategies to find the people to fill your Retreats and events. Without the right people, your passion will never profit. ($997 value)

The Course is valued at over $5,000

Here are more comments women have shared about the Retreat Side Hustle Course:

“I love that it’s a step by step process.”

“There’s so much great information.”

“I feel empowered to create my own retreat.”

“Thank you for doing this! This is so great.”


Retreat Side Hustle Academy

ONLY $497

Don’t sit back and wait to travel until someday, retirement or other possible future event.

Don’t keep going to work, uninspired and unfulfilled.

Stop looking at other people running retreats and wonder if you can too.

Instead, turn your passions into a retreat, earn great money, travel the world for free and live the life you know you’ve always wanted.

About Regine | Black Butterfly Journeys

For most of my adult life, I’ve loved retreats. I would attend church retreats and detox retreats, meditation retreats. I even created retreats with my friends, getting them to buy into going away for a few days to re-assess and evaluate our lives. I had a blast.

Creating retreats as a business was never in my plans until my career took a left turn (more like an off-the-cliff detour) and I had to figure out what to do to earn money.

As a lawyer, I knew that I could always get a corporate gig, but I didn’t want just that. I wanted to do something that combined my passions, interests and my love for travel. And that’s how Black Butterfly Journeys was born.

Now, after creating and leading retreats that have actually transformed lives, making six figures doing what I love, traveling to cool and exotic destinations around the globe, earning miles and paid vacations after each retreat, I’ve decided to teach you how I do it so that you can too.

I really believe in the power of retreats to change lives and bring more passion and joy to the world.
