PS: There's no obligation or salesy weirdness during a discovery call with me. 
Seriously. I am viscerally opposed to gross sales tactics, so it's a low-pressure chat. Pinkie promise 😉

It's a Spooky Season Super Flash Sale!

Your sales page isn't gonna write itself.
And frankly, neither should you.

Hand it over to a professional conversion copywriter + go peep some leaves.

Your future self will thank you when that next launch comes around. 😉

Sales pages are kind of a big deal, right? Those words you put on 'em have the power to attract dream clients like moths to a flame...or not.

You probably know the basics about writing them. At least enough to give it a go:

Okay, I'm supposed to name the Problem my people face.

Then...Agitate it?

The give my Solution? Plus a CTA that makes them click BUY NOW??

Btw, that's the PAS method ^^^

There's also the AIDA method. And then...there's the PAS-on-Steroids method I learned in my fancy conversion copy training program.

But, in a nutshell, you want to write words that make your people psyched to work with you.

The whole Problem-Agitation-Solution thing seems easy enough, but once you're in the weeds?

It's SOOO easy to get lost in your own head, second-guessing every line you write.

The truth is, it's *really* stinkin' hard to put your own value into words that convert into sales.

Even for pros like me. 

After all, we’re pretty emotionally invested in our own businesses, aren’t we? It’s the whole “forest for the trees” thing.

People who are brand new to writing their own sales page copy tend to undervalue and downplay the magic they create for clients…even though experts know that the sales page is your place to SHINE with: 

⭐ Praise

⭐ Client Testimonials

⭐ Experience

⭐ Accolades

If ever there were a time to brag about yourself, it’s on that sales page.

And yet, women entrepreneurs come to me all the time, wondering what’s wrong with their sales pages.

9.9 times out of 10?

They haven’t powerfully owned how freakin’ awesome they are.

They haven’t gotten braggy enough.

Either that, or they are so afraid of sounding “salesy” that, instead of boldly asking for the sale, it comes across more like “Um, yeah, so call me… maybe?”

Carly Rae Jepson, you are not, my friend. Is it possible you’re pulling a Taylor Swift moment here, as you sit down to write yet another sales page you’re not so sure about?

There is a time and place for DIY copy.
Your sales page isn't one of them.

If you...

✅ Have an offer you *know* you can sell

✅ Need to create a sales page that you *know* will convert


✅ Have a current sales page you *know* needs some TLC...

It's probably time to call in a pro.

Hi, I'm Leigh Ann 👋

Okay, but what is professional sales copy gonna cost me? 

I’m glad you asked! Tbh, I’ve seen sales pages quoted anywhere from $400 - $5000+ depending on the experience of the writer.

Mine typically costs $2200.


In celebration of a couple of recent business milestones, plus inflation blah blah, I’m running a Summer Flash Sale!

Yep, I’m rolling it all the way back to just $995.

That means you get copy for a fully-optimized long-form sales page, written within just 4 days, for only $995.

Want some sales emails to throw in there too? Just add $350 for a full sequence – normally $1200+ depending on how many emails you want. 

And yes, there is a payment plan.

Here's the point-by-point process you get when you work with me: 

  1. First things first, click one of these bring pink buttons on this page. Book a call. 

  2. We'll chat and make sure we're a good fit for each other.

  3. If all goes well, you’ll get a contract + invoice. 50% payment will hold your chosen date.

  4. I’ll send you my proprietary onboarding homework + start the voice of customer (VOC) research.

  5. Writing starts on your chosen Monday (usually, minus holidays, kids bringing the plague home from school, etc).

  6. I’ll ping you with questions here and there throughout the week. By the end of the week, you’ll have a full draft ready to review.

  7. Sleep on it. Send me your edit requests. Get your revisions within a week.

  8. Publish your shiny new sales page copy + start tracking conversions.

  9. I’ll check in with you down the road to see how it’s going.

  10. Got questions after going live with your page? Book a 20-minute troubleshooting call within 6 months, and we'll see what we can adjust!

Here's the thing: Smart CEOs recognize that outsourcing sales copy to a pro will:

💰Generate more revenue, and 

 🙋‍♀️Generate more leads

Both extremely important to the savvy business owner who is ready to grow and scale. 

You might be wondering, though...

    How do you know for sure that the copy you pay for is going to actually pay off?

      Well, let’s put it this way:

      Would you rather...

      🧐 Scour the internet for a random writer’s templates you can borrow or buy for $27...with no real guarantee the author of said template really knows her stuff?

      💸 Invest 4+ figures and lots of time into a top-notch copy conversion program like I did (PS: the sales page course, taught by Amy Porterfield's go-to copy guy, has 83 lessons totaling around 10 hours of videos…not including writing time)?


      🤓 Hire someone like me who has written loads of sales pages, completed aforementioned training, and whose intuitive + heart-centered approach takes care to understand your goals and your people’s most desired outcomes?

      There are simply some things worth investing in.

        For instance, I will never attempt a DIY electrical repair in my home. 

        Nor am I going to invest in a multi-month apprenticeship to learn how to be an electrician. I’m gonna pay the expert.

        Yes, I’ll do my homework. I’ll check reviews. I’ll peep their certifications. I’ll chat with them on the phone. And then I’ll trust them to do the job because they put in the time, effort, and money to perfect their skill. 

        So, all that to say: go check me out. 

        My website and LinkedIn are a good place to start. But first, book a call to make sure you have a spot saved to snag the flash sale price:

        Disclaimer: This content is provided for educational and informational purposes only. Our services are not financial, business or legal advice. The information presented here is not a guarantee that you will obtain any results or earn any money using our content. Leigh Ann Zerr owns all copyrights to the materials presented here unless otherwise noted.
