Day 1 Sessions

Saturday, Nov 6, 2021

Womb Steam and Water Blessing Ritual for Innocence and Self-Love with Mother Mary

15:00-17:00 CET/GMT+1

Mieke Anthuenis

Description: Womb Steam is a sauna with healing herbs exclusively for our sacred anatomy. In a circle of WoMen, clad in long robes, we sit over an infusion of carefully chosen herbs, allowing the warm steam to gently touch our yoni and pelvis. This ritual softens and strengthens us and restores our vitality from the root. Steaming is a mild but powerful way to assist the healing process of the Womb with natural means. When you steam, you feel more connected to your body and your FeMinine Essence and at the same time you experience a profound sense of calmness. Steaming in a group creates a strong container for the Sacred FeMinine. Our Wombs will be activated and interconnected. Together we will bless the Water for the herbal infusion. In co-creation we will invoke Mother Mary, pray and set intentions for Innocence and Self-Love for ourselves and the collective. There will be a guided meditation and sharing before and after the steaming.

IMPORTANT PRACTICAL GUIDELINES: you will need a bowl with 1,5 liters of water. If you do not have a steam chair, you can use a bucket or cooking pot to sit on. You want at least 24 cm between the water and your yoni. There will be time during the session to heat the water and also to put a long rope or skirt. Please foresee 2 tablespoons of camomile for the infusion and bring some tissues or a towel to dry yourself after the steaming. We will only steam shortly so that it is safe for everybody. Steaming is not advised when you are pregnant, when you are bleeding or after ovulation when you want to conceive and if there is a chance of insemination. If you are in one of these three situations, you can put a compress of the same herbs on your belly and absorb the powerful energy from the steam ritual. For the compress you also need a bowl of water and a towel.

NOTE: Your video will be turned off automatically for privacy. 

Divine Feminine Yoni Egg Experience for Greater Pleasure & Self-Awareness

17:00-18:30 CET/GMT+1


Description: In this session, Anna-Thea will create a safe space for you to be taken through, either using a Yoni egg or your imagination, a beautiful Yoni egg healing experience to awaken the divine feminine within you and honor the sacredness of your Yoni.

IMPORTANT PRACTICAL GUIDELINES: If you have a Yoni egg and want to use it please have it clean and ready to go.You do not absolutely need a Yoni egg for this journey. Your imagination works well too! :) Create a cozy, relaxed space for this experience with pillows and blankets. Wear comfortable clothing. If you desire you can have soft music playing and a candle and or incense lit. Make sure you have a private uninterrupted space for this experience. Privacy and a feeling of safety for this experience are of utmost importance. Your video will be turned off automatically so you can have your privacy. Those that would like may share their experience afterward.

NOTE: Your video will be turned off automatically for privacy. 

Day 2 Sessions

Sunday, Nov 7, 2021

Womb Wounds: Healing Unhealthy Sexual Relationships and Sexual Abuse

15:00-16:00 CET/GMT+1

Emmi Mutale

Description: This session will blend ancient feminine womb practices and more modern energy shifting processes to create a safe and sacred space for healing and transformation, embraced by Mother Mary and aimed at clearing the energy in the womb space and bringing in a sense of lightness, elevation and hope.

Sexual Healing for Women with Mother Mary

16:15-17:15 CET/GMT+1

Branka Valcic

Description: In this session, Mother Mary will speak to you directly through Branka about sexual energy and sexual remembering on Earth. She will then take you on a guided journey to let go of as much of the shame and guilt as you are ready to let go now so you can feel more free to enjoy the gifts of your sexuality. Mary will work on many different levels, with each of you individually, bringing you what you need at this point in time on your journey. When Mary comes through like this, most people usually experience profound peace and a sense of safety and support so they can really go deep. Mary will hold you in Her arms and in Her love while gently and powerfully guiding you to let go of what no longer serves you and opening the doors of pleasure, bliss, and joy of living in a human body on Earth!

The Role of the Priestess in Sexual Healing

17:30-18:30 CET/GMT+1

Amrita Grace

Description: This session will help you access, generate, and embody your potent life force energy for health, vitality, healing, and empowerment. Themes Amrita is going to be working with regarding the role of the priestess are: Sexual empowerment as the missing piece in personal growth work/priestess training; The importance of sexual shadow work; and The priestess as an underworld guide. This session will also offer an insightful conversation between Branka and Amrita, bringing the teachings and experiences of the weekend together for you and flowing from what Mother Mary will bring through in Her session just before this one.

Planetary Sexual Healing & Empowerment Circle

18:30-18:55 CET/GMT+1

Led by Branka Valcic

Description: All co-creators of the event, including YOU, will come together in a Circle as Branka leads us through a powerful ceremony of sexual healing and empowerment for all beings on Earth, past, present and future. With Mother Mary's help we will open ourselves to further receive this healing and empowerment and to channel it across the energy field of the Earth. We will stand strong and vulnerable, aware of our wounds, and knowing we have become wiser, stronger and more compassionate because of them. We will know that it is our time now to contribute even more powerfully to the shifts in consciousness occurring on Earth. We will open our hearts and share Mary's and our Love with all!
