She Sabbaticals

A community for women ready to plan a career break to travel.


Stephanie Perry


your sabbatical, from your budget to your travel itinerary to tourist visas without the worry that you've missed something.


for those moments of doubt and fear that creep in, for how to handle unexpected problems and for your new life after sabbatical.

She Sabbaticals Community Benefits

Join She Sabbaticals

Join the She Sabbaticals monthly membership for $37/month.


Stephanie Perry

When I was 41, I quit my job as a hospital pharmacy technician to travel the world for a year on my savings. I was tired of making travel fit into my life, and wanted a life that focused on travel. I visited 12 countries in 12 months all on just $1200 per month. Now I'm a year-round house sitter and pet sitter, and I help Black women who are ready to DO THEM take a career break to travel on a budget.

Join She Sabbaticals and start LIVING YOUR DREAM!

Join She Sabbaticals

Join the She Sabbaticals monthly membership for $37/month.

You can't self care your way out of a toxic environment. You have to remove yourself. Your job included.

Stephanie Perry
