Let's Find Your Cadence

Hey Momma. Ready to live a beautiful, peaceful, and joy-filled life right where you are?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, burnt-out, emotionally tapped, anxious, lonely, and struggling to “balance”, you’re not alone. We carry so much on ourselves, and often feel like we lose ourselves or our dreams along the way. 

But, we are still here, and our dreams still have potential in us. And, that’s what I work with my clients to find, right in their own lives where they are. Building community and finding freedom along the way.

Join the newesletter community today to get all the info when the programs officially re-open, and get skills, tools, and tips right to your inbox for living those beautiful, peaceful, and joy-filled lives: right where you are.



Candice Jenee is a retired LMFT turned business building momma who wears many hats: Author+Educator+Coach. In her coaching, she has a passion to see other momma's find beauty, peace, and joy in life - right where they are. Coaching other moms on the skills, tools, and tips to beat and prevent the overwhelm, burn-out, and emotional instability that we all struggle with sometimes.

 Welcome to the Village!

Join us in the mom village where you’ll find community and more.
