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Connecting with Spirit Guides

This course teaches about connecting with all of the different non-physical and physical support systems available to us. The Council of Elders, Council of Healers, Council for Arts and Writers, as well as how to connect with the Earth herself!

40.00 CAD

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 Spirit Guides Course

The Council of Elders teach us about the systems of support in place that interconnect the physical and non-physical intelligence of this universe. This course shows us how we can connect to and work with this magnificent universal support system.

We will cover the many ways to connect to spirit. Meditation, Automatic writing, Art, and Augury!

There are some added bonuses! Information on Connecting to your Ancestors and the many Councils you can connect with such as the Council of Elders, the Council of Healers, Councils for Artists, Writers and of course there are more.

This course will help you with deepening your psychic abilities. It will take practice and lots of it but it is so worth it! What a joy to receive the love and counsel of your beloved spirit guides and gain access to the infinite and loving world of spirit.

Come and play with us your fellow seekers!

Course Outline

Lesson #1 

Who are Red and the Council

Who are Spirit Guides?

Connectiing to Spirit Guides

Lesson #2


Automatic Writing

Art Practices


Lesson #3

Who are the Goddess and Gods

Creating connections to Gods & Saints

Accessing different Councils for Support

Connecting to Ancestral Guides


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Connecting with Spirit Guides

This course teaches about connecting with all of the different non-physical and physical support systems available to us. The Council of Elders, Council of Healers, Council for Arts and Writers, as well as how to connect with the Earth herself!

40.00 CAD

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Have a great day!

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How long do I have access to the course?

For this lifetime  (:

Are you available for questions and comments?

Yes, through email.

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