Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by increased client demands and little end in sight of the COVID-19 pandemic? 

Realizing your days could use a little more room to breathe?

Wishing someone would take care of you for once? 

Let us help you go from feeling overwhelmed to rejuvenated and reconnected with the joy of being a therapist.  

We are excited to announce our first full day virtual workshop to help you 'Spring Clean Your Self-Care'!  

Let's face it:  None of us have been trained to deal with a global pandemic.  And if we are really honest with ourselves, how many of us ever really received training in self-care?  Yet, somehow we believe we should just know how to incorporate this into our very busy lives. Is it any wonder many of us are feeling overwhelmed?!

At Intentional Therapist we firmly believe effective self-care needs to be fluid and adapt to our changing circumstances, like the pandemic, the seasons, and our current life and career stages.  This workshop will be a chance to set aside some time to take stock of your current reality, evaluate your self-care practices, and develop an updated self-care plan that fits with your current realities. (pandemic and all) By the end of the workshop, you’ll have a personalized self-care plan with concrete steps to make this plan a reality. We also plan to have some fun while doing this!

We hope you will join us on Monday May 31, 2021, from 9am to 3:30pm Central Time / 10am to 4:30pm Eastern Time.  

Here's what we have planned:

  • Honest assessment of your current self-care baseline
  • Taking stock of last season's self-care practices and 'packing up' what is no longer serving you
  • 'Unpacking' the practices that will better fit this next season
  • Clearing out the COVID-weeds
  • Connecting with your ideal vision for transitioning with intention to this next season
  • 'Reverse engineering' your ideal day and week
  • Creating a concrete plan and accountability to make incremental improvements 
  • All interspersed with some fun and creative activities

Here's what you will come away with:

  • More ease in prioritizing your self-care
  • More compassionate awareness of your personal self-care roadblocks
  • More intentional, playful and creative approach to addressing your own self-care needs
  • Renewed energy to keep going in this COVID ultra-marathon
  • Renewed connection with your work
  • A (helpful and not punitive!) sense of community and accountability for following through on your self-care plans through connection with other like-minded female mental health professionals

And in case you are wondering...

How is this workshop going to be different from other self-care workshops?

We think any workshop on self-care is important.  And yet, some are more valuable to us than others.  Just knowing the research, for example, is likely not enough to get us to do what we need to do to best address our self-care.  And, everyone's self-care needs are unique, so we can't take a one-size-fits-all approach.  As a result, our intention is that each of our workshops provides an opportunity to identify your own self-care needs and strategies, along with playful and practical exercises to help you rethink your self-care so that it can be more intentional and sustainable.  The workshop will also be an opportunity to connect with other women working in the mental health field who care as much as you do about personal well-being.

Will this workshop be pretty similar to the 'Retreat from 2020' last fall?

Some of the elements of this workshop will be similar, in that we will also engage in a process of self-assessment to determine our current self-care practices.  We think this is a really important process that we should all do on a regular basis, as our situation is constantly evolving and so our self-care practices should as well.  A key difference with this workshop is that we will have more time to go in depth into various exercises and engage in small group discussions, which will help you come away with a concrete plan and steps to implement any changes.  So, if you joined us in the fall, we would love to have you join us again!

Why should I take a whole Monday out of my schedule for this?

We know that workshops frequently happen on Fridays, and we have intentionally bucked the trend because we believe very strongly that self-care needs to be an integrated part of our jobs.  So by holding the workshop on a Monday, we can all send ourselves the clear message that this is something we make time for.  As mental health professionals, WE are our primary tool, and so we need to invest in keeping our tool in top condition.  We also think a workshop is a pretty great way to start your week off on a positive note.  And, it gives you a great opportunity to apply any strategies to your work week right away.  No waiting required.  

Monday May 31st, 2021 from 9am to 3:30pm CST (10am to 4:30pm EST)

Spring Clean Your Self-Care

Join us, Dr. Karen Dyck and Dr. Melissa Tiessen, and other like-minded female mental health professionals in a day designed to help you pause, take stock, reset, and move forward with intention into this next season. 

This workshop will take place live online.

Please join us in feeling refreshed and renewed!


Clicking on the 'Register' button above will bring you to a secure registration and payment page through Square.  Please ensure to include your preferred email address for updates about the workshop as the date draws nearer.   

We are looking forward to resetting with you soon!

Dr. Karen Dyck

Dr. Melissa Tiessen

We are Karen and Melissa, two mid-career(ish) psychologists who love what we do and also recognize that our work can be hard and that it's important to take care of ourselves. We know there are so many other female mental health professionals, like us, who are trying to balance our careers with additional responsibilities and caregiver roles - whether that be young children (like Melissa), aging parents (like Karen), or anything in between. Our mission is to help female mental health professionals (ourselves included!) stay healthy and happy through intentional and playful self-care.  

Visit us at:  www.intentionaltherapist.ca
