What if you could build a life that works for you vs exhausts you, even if you have been told it is a pipe dream?

We get it! 

You are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted and wanting to know...


As an ambitious female entrepreneur have you ever experienced any of the following?

  • You feel guilty or ashamed because you can’t get it all done or stay on top of things
  • You think there is never enough time
  • Your inner critic or people pleaser part of you stops you from taking care of YOU
  • You've tried so many coaching services in the past and nothing has changed or lasted
  • You worry loved ones or your clients will get mad at you for changing
  • You think "If I don’t keep pushing I will lose everything"
  • Your best friends are a bag of potato chips and wine

If you said YES to two or more of these, then this group coaching program is for you!

We understand your desires to:

  • Feel more confident in speaking up for yourself vs worrying about what others will think (or fear of criticism).
  • Be able to respond vs react to events in your life.
  • Live a life that aligns with and honors who YOU are.
  • Want to do more of what excites you and have time with your family and friends.


3-Month Group Coaching Program with other heart-centered female entrepreneurs who know they can make these transformations!

✅Make changes in your business that work WITH your energy level and you are earning MORE money!

✅Become the DESIGNER and CREATOR of your life! You can create what YOU want vs living under the "shoulds" of others!

✅Create a business AROUND your life vs my life around my business!

It begins on April 5th and is for only 12 women!

You know if you stay on this current path then...

  • You reinforce those thoughts that you are fundamentally flawed.
  • You will have more sleepless nights which makes you less able to manage conflicts and decreases productivity.
  • You lose relationships because you don't have time for them.
  • You continue to take care of everyone else but yourself and feel resentment and unappreciated

You have two choices

How much longer do you want to wait?

Here's How it Works

  • Stepping into Soul is a Hybrid Group Coaching Program starting April 5th and completing on July 3rd.
  • Hybrid means each person creates specific goals you want to achieve over the 12 weeks together. You will immediately receive a Welcome packet designed to explore eight areas of your life.
  • LIVE 60-minute coaching calls each week.
  • Weekly modules to help you dive deeper into what has been holding you back from living your best life.
  • Email support between group coaching calls (Monday through Friday)
  • Working and being with other like-minded women
  • A small, committed tribe of peers (minimum of 4 and max of 12.)
  • Mindset work PLUS Accountability (Tamara and Nicole LOVE to cheerlead women AND compassionately hold them accountable to their desires!)
  • Coaching from two coaches with combined years of experience of 25 years in the psychology field!
  • Action being taken on goals you have been waiting to tackle for months or even years!

    Investment Only
    $1997 for FULL payment or Two payments of $1099 (first payment due now and the 2nd in 30 days).

More Details

In this 3-Month (12 Consecutive Week) Program

Every Monday morning you will receive curriculum, 

Each Friday at 10 am (PST)/12 pm (CST)/1 pm (EST) is a LIVE coaching call 

Modules by week:

  • Week 1: Goal Setting and Values-you decide the goals you want to achieve
  • Week 2: Who do you think are you?
  • Week 3: Who is in the shower with you? 
  • Week 4: Is fear keeping you locked in "hide and seek" mode?
  • Week 5: What are you pretending not to know about yourself?
  • Week 6: Confronting the selfishness scam!
  • Week 7: Play big or play small?
  • Week 8: Self-care resistance
  • Week 9: Who are you living for?
  • Week 10: Are you on track?
  • Week 11: Check-in
  • Week 12: Now what?

But, buts, buts....

The investment is so high

To dive deep and go after what you want in your life does take an investment in your time and finances. 

Do you believe you are worth investing in? 

Where can you stop spending money so you can invest in yourself? 

How many more months or years will you wait to make the desired changes you are craving? 

What will it cost you to not invest in yourself?

I'm worried I will embarrass myself in the group

If you believe you can’t change or do things differently it means it isn’t a priority for you yet, or you are choosing not to allow for changes in your life yet. (We call that a mindset issue.)

The group is an intimate and confidential space for women to come and be supported.

We each have an opportunity to learn from one another in a group setting.

I have done one of these before and never finished the curriculum

This coaching program is different because it is a hybrid

You create your goals and we take you through modules to dive deeper! 

Tamara or Nicole are speaking to you personally every week!

Tamara and Nicole bring more than 25 years of combined experience!

Meet Your Guides

Tamara Powell

Is a licensed therapist, university psychology instructor, and empowerment coach who believes life should be lived as a journey that is “anything but ordinary.”

Her work is specialized to help individuals break free from toxic cycles of distress, dysfunction, and dissatisfaction with life that are created when trying to live according to someone else’s rules.

Only by living what she calls radical autonomy, can one obtain soul-nourishing relationships and a sense of true life purpose and inner peace.

Nicole Burgess

Is a Licensed Psychotherapist and Empowerment Coach to sensitive and high achieving professional women in midlife. 

Over the last fifteen years, she has coached, guided and collaborated with over a 1,000 women. She helped them demote their inner critic, embrace their fears through action, and grow professionally without sacrificing their personal life. As a result, they are more productive in their business, have more meaningful relationships, and no longer sacrifice their well-being for others.  

As a recovering perfectionist, herself, she LOVES helping women entrepreneurs do what they love without sacrificing their personal life.

Who is this for?


Give you a task and you get it DONE. You have no need for handholding: when you get stuck, you figure it out!


Yeah, setbacks knock you down for a minute...but you’re not a victim by nature, and nothing keeps you down long!


When you're eager to grow and serious about learning, everything changes! Get ready for big internal shifts!


❓What if I am on vacation in Maui or need to attend my child’s school event? All live coaching calls will be recorded. You will receive your weekly modules via Podia.

❓What if I don’t have a question or need support for one of the weeks? Attend anyway to support the other women in the group. We often learn from one another and can have aha’s from listening to others.

❓What if I have a question about the module before the coaching calls? Reach out to Tamara or Nicole via email.

❓Is there a refund policy? At this time we are not offering a refund policy. Tamara and Nicole want women who are a "Hell Yes I want to be a part of this!" If you have questions let us know and we can jump on a 15-minute phone call.


Jess Blanche

Leadership Coach

In just one short month of working with Tamara, I bravely faced a part of myself I had been hiding from for 15 years, released my block to financial abundance, and started manifesting things immediately. Like freaky immediately.

I’m more connected to my highest self than ever before (and I feel even MORE powerful after every single call!)!

I’m a practical woo, so Tamara’s connection with spirit combined with her knowledge of neuroscience really appeal to me. And her sass and wisdom are like the cherry on top.

I have never connected with a coach like I have with Tamara. I can be fully myself without fear of judgement, and she just gets me.

I will be a life long raving fan of this woman. If you are thinking about working with her, DO IT. You won’t just experience shifts. YOU will shift.


Indianapolis, IN

Nicole's coaching was very affirming and helped me gain confidence in who I am as a person and the unique perspective I bring to the world. I was able to speak openly and honestly about things around which I held a lot of shame, without fear of judgment from her.

I valued the honest feedback I received from her, which can be hard to come by from family and friends.

I always looked forward to our sessions and felt invigorated after each one. I truly appreciate the growth I experienced under her coaching.

Andrea Bullfinch

Grief Empowerment Coach

Working with Tamara has been hands down one of the BEST decisions I could have made for myself and my business. She has an amazing ability to hold space for someone to explore their spiritual gifts & abilities and guide them in a knowledgeable & compassionate manner.

She will help you nudge whatever magic is stirring in your soul to RISE UP. When I first came to Tamara I was unable to “connect the dots” of what I was experiencing with my own intuitive gifts, how to really use them with intention & focus, or how they would integrate into my coaching business.

She helped me not only learn to trust in my gifts, nurture and honor them with the confidence they deserve, but to bring everything into alignment with my soul mission and big vision. Her knowledge is priceless. I cannot recommend or thank this beautiful badass enough!

Join Us in Living a Life Designed by YOU and for YOU

Stepping into Soul is an investment of both time and money into your business and your future.

We'll commit deeply and work closely with you for the next 3 months, with a laser-focus on helping you become radically authentic and living with more ease.

More importantly, you need to be ready to take a risk and bank on YOURSELF.

Investment only:

$1997 USD paid in full now (savings of $200) 

Or $1099 in two installments (1 Now and 1 in 30 days)
