Introducing Alice's 

Summer Style Guide

As mums our lives are full to the brim with a varying degree of responsibilities and jobs to do.

Cue mum summer uniform of denim shorts, T-shirt and comfy sandals. (If you have a pair of TEVA or Birkenstocks here that does not let you off the hook – even if they are multicoloured or patterned!)

The desire to be practical but feel like you are knocking on the door of trendy leads us to all picking up those 3 items frequently. I am also holding my hand up too!

My Summer Style Guide will help you pull outfits together that make you feel more fab and less frump. 
By the time you have gone through my 10 minute morning routine, getting dressed every morning will become a joy and you will know how to jazz up those shorts for the campsite! 

If you are nodding your head right now you are in the right place.

  • You are a full time working mum, part-time working mum or a full time stay homemaker and your endless to-do list didn't have ‘spend time finding a fabulous outfit for summer holidays' on it and you feel stuck.
  • You are a busy mum who wants to feel good this summer whilst still hitting that practical note.
  • You are stuck in a bit of a summer style rut of shorts & T-shirt and want to jazz up your look.
  • The thought of spending another summer comparing yourself to other 'glamourous mum friends' fills you with dread. 
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Thank you so much for your purchase! 

I hope you have a fabulous summer full of laughter, wonderful memories and of course fabulous style! x

How does this Style Guide Work?

Buy Now

Buy your guide, instantly download it and start discovering your Style Personality and inspirations today!

Save and Read

Save the guide to your phone or IPad. Print it off and put inside your wardrobe. Make sure it is easily visible or accessible. 

Use it Everyday

Go through this 10 minute routine every morning and get that summer style you have always wanted. 

This guide has tools to help you lift and identify your summer through Style Personality. 
Plus minute by minute morning routine with actions, questions and habit making thoughts to build your confidence in yourself and outfit building.

Here's a little sneak peak.......

Don't let the practical needs of your 2 weeks on a campsite or family days out trekking round hot cities or english countryside turn your summer holiday style in a frump fest. 

Make the steps in this guide part of your everyday routine and you will have....

  • Started to explore and be bolder with your outfit building from your own wardrobe.
  • Increased knowledge it what style you like and suits you.
  • Spent the summer feeling more confident in your style and self.
  • A routine that can help you feel fabulous everyday.
  • Tools and skills to take you into Autumn and even the school run! No more mum frump at the school gates!

 It will become as second nature to your morning routine as making a cup of tea! 

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Thank you so much for your purchase! 

I hope you have a fabulous summer full of laughter, wonderful memories and of course fabulous style! x


What do I get? A downloadable guide that will never date or 'go out of style'.  That you can take wherever you need go! 
How do I know this will work for me?
This guide and the routine are there to prompt you, to show and to help you make better decisions and changes which will increase your confidence in yourself and style. You can use it as much or as little as you like but if you give it full commitment you will get all the value from it and I'm pretty sure more!
Can't I just google these tips?
Yes of course you can. But this guide puts all my own expertise and knowledge into one place so saves you from doing that. I have been where you are, and still go back there sometimes and I use this to help me, so I know it can help you. 
How do I know this is the best for me? This is designed to help you everyday no matter what your day has in store for you. Whether you are on a campsite, going to the park or going on an exotic holiday, my guide and routine will allow you to get the best out of your summer wardrobe. 

Start transforming your style today and feel happy, confident and most important fabulous this summer. 

Sometimes all we need is someone just to show as the way forward. 

To help us take that step toward treating ourselves, doing somehting that makes us feel good and prioritise ourselves for once. 
By the time you have downloaded this guide and discovered your Style Personality and inspirations you will have already made one step......

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Thank you so much for your purchase! 

I hope you have a fabulous summer full of laughter, wonderful memories and of course fabulous style! x

Want to keep up to date with all my events, services and more Alice's Guide to.... 
(there will be more coming this year!) Subscribe below and don't miss a thing! 
