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A cool thing happens when you take a break from sugar. You stop craving it! And your body and skin improves noticeably! 

So, why not take a break every once in a while? It doesn’t have to be forever, or even a month, or even a week. Let’s just start with 5 days...

Benefits You'll Experience

Sugar Shake-Off Includes:

  • A Daily Protocol
  • Clean Eating Recipes customized for Sugar Detox
  • Private Sugar Shake Off Facebook Forum
  • Email and Facebook Support

  • Plus you’ll discover the 50+ names for sugar, how your blood sugar impacts your day-to-day lifestyle, the surprising places sugar is hiding in your pantry, what to eat to decrease cravings, the best food to balance your blood sugar, and your optimal eating style for a happy, active lifestyle.

The Truth About Sugar

  • Contributes to weight gain & uncomfortable belly bloat
  • Depletes every ounce of your energy
  • Leads to a puffy face and saggy, wrinkly skin
  • Feeds nasty bacteria, yeast and menacing microbes in your gut 
  • Is highly addictive
  • Hides in most store bought products