5 Little Known Ways To Eat Healthy Around Your Busy Schedule

Eating healthy does not 

have to feel like it is not 

within your reach. 

With the demands of a 

busy schedule, we often 

feel like we do not have 

the time to eat healthily 

or even eat at all.

In this guide, I have compiled 

5 little known ways that

 we can eat healthily 

around the constraints 

of our busy schedule.

In this guide, you will learn 

How to prioritize 

mealtime, tips to 


overeating and so much more!

Hi There, I'm Yolanda!

Yolanda Haynes, CHC

As a mom, entrepreneur and certified health coach, I understand the struggles of making yourself a priority while managing a family and a business. As the founder of Aligned with Essence, my goal is to help women entrepreneurs like me, create a healthier lifestyle while managing the responsibilities of a family and running a business. By teaching you how to create new habits that last and techniques that can be easily applied in normal daily life, you can better understand what foods give you energy, what habits make you sleep better, and how you can reduce stress. With my support and accountability, I hope to help you live your best life with grace and ease.

At Aligned with Essence we believe in empowering you to take control of your health so that you can feel your most alive. Healthy eating is one aspect of creating healthy habits. Sign up to learn the 5 Simple steps that you can take now to kickstart your healthiest life.