Start a Money Making Blog From Scratch and Launch in 10 Days

Are you ready to create a bloggrow an audience and start making money?

Aren’t you tired of not earning money from your content?

Are you a beginner or aspiring blogger?

I’m willing to bet you’re going through the same struggles I had when I first started back in 2008.

You want to build a successful blog BUT:

  • You have no idea how to pick a profitable blogging niche that people are actually interested in

  • You struggle to build an audience, grow your blog and get more readers to your content

  • You still aren’t making money from your site even though you know bloggers like Chiara Ferrangi (The Blonde Salad), Elisa Larson and Emma Chapman
    ( and Steve make millions a year.

Imagine if all these headaches were solved. 

In just 10 days, you can learn how to set up a money-earning blog from scratch (and you don’t have to be a computer whiz either).

No more guesswork - learn proven strategies to grow your traffic and make a profit from your content.

Don’t waste years figuring out blogging like I did!

I’m going to share what I had to learn the hard way to save you time (and money). I’ve made every mistake in the book so you don’t have to.

That’s why I made The Ultimate Free 10 Day Blogging course.


You should enrol in this Free 10 Day Blogging course if:

  • You want to set up a successful blog that gets tons of readers every month!

  • You want to earn money from your site

  • You want to learn strategies to grow your website through social media and SEO

  • You want to avoid the BIGGEST mistakes most bloggers make in the beginning

BASICALLY, if you need a completely free course that takes you from blogging zero to blogging hero then THIS is it! 

What You'll Learn

Here are 10 lessons that I'll share once you enroll in this FREE course

Picking a Profitable Niche

What kind of blog should you create? How can you choose a blog topic that will earn you money? How do you work out your target audience? Answering these questions is the foundation of successful blogging. I'll show you how to identify a money-making niche that matches your skills/interest and your target audience.

Choosing a Hosting Service

With these straightforward steps, getting online is as easy as 1-2-3. I'll guide you through picking a blog name, coming up a custom domain (a.k.a your blog link) and choosing the BEST blogging platform for beginners. I'll also show you the basics of hosting and where you can get an affordable hosting plan to bring your blog to life.

Installing a Theme 

Appearances aren't everything but in blogging, it sure counts for a lot! I'll show you how to install a theme in WordPress. Plus I'm going to share essential tips for choosing a theme for your blog and where to purchase affordable beautiful and responsive themes that will make you look professional from the get go!

Installing essential  plugins 

Supercharging your site's health and performance with plugins. I'll introduce you to what plugins are and what they do. Plus, you'll get access to 10 Essential FREEish Plugins New Bloggers Should Install.

Creating Core Pages

The first static content of your blog should be your pages. I'll teach you how to set up the most important pages you need for your blog, including legal pages. I'll even show you how to write a killer about me page.

Customising your blog

Time to start personalising your blog. I'll show you how to create menus, add widgets to your blog and use the customiser to change your theme options and make more custom settings to your site.

The Fundamentals Of SEO

Get ahead of most bloggers by learning about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) NOW. I'll show you how to get started get thousands of views from Google searches.

Essential Pre-Launch Tasks

Successful bloggers hit the ground running by starting these important tasks BEFORE they launch. I'll share the best practices to follow to start a strategic, money earning blog.

Getting Organised

Managing a blog ain't no peace of cake but being organised can make it smooth sailing. I'll show you strategies and tips for building a well oiled blogging machine.

The Next Steps

Once your blog is ready to launch, what are your next steps? I'll share what you need to focus on after you go live. You'll learn how to get started with growing and earning your site.
