▼ The Goddess Revival ▼

Hannah Harmon's transformative 121 program

Tailored uniquely to suit your needs 

Limited spaces now available 

Are you ready to revive the Goddess that lives within you?

""I think we've met 3 times so far (give or take) and I have transformed more in the last 3 months than the last 30 years. I am getting back to the real me. The real Angela. Thank you for shining a mirror in my face. Our first goal together was to get a new firm and new job. I just got a 30k raise. Wow just like that. Insane how everything happened."



To go from feeling disconnected to feeling incredible, awakened and like an unstoppable Goddess…


A unique alchemy of customised tools and practices developed by me to suit your specific needs...


Direct 121 access to me and all of my wisdom which has helped change countless lives...

This is for the sisters who are here for more. 

More abundance. 

More magic. 

More expansion. 

This is not about playing small. 

This is about unapologetically creating the reality of your dreams.

If you are ready to commit to an up-level of a lifetime then you are in the right place.

Who is this program for?

If you want to...

▼ Gain exclusive access to Hannah Harmon and her powerful tools

 Tap into your feminine energy 

▼ Cultivate a stronger connection with your intuition

▼ Stop your inner-critic from keeping you small

▼ Start treating yourself like a Goddess again

▼ Embrace your authentic self

▼ Stop settling for less in life

▼ Level up your career, relationships and personal development

▼ Fully enjoy your life and feel fulfilled

▼ Set boundaries with a fierceness

▼ Stop procrastination and self-sabotage

▼ Increase self-love and self-worth

▼ Connect with something greater to come back into alignment

Then this is ideal 121 program for you.

What's included?

You can choose to work with Hannah over 3 months or 6 months.

♕ x6 OR x12 121 Intuitive Coaching Sessions with Hannah over the course of 3/6 months (all of our sessions are 90 minutes)

♕ A unique alchemy of customised tools and practices developed by Hannah specifically will be incorporated into your sessions together to help you thrive and grow

♕ Direct access to Hannah for support 5 days a week outside of our sessions

♕ Your own Goddess Toolkit which you have access to during and after your time together

"You have helped me find the motivation to start loving myself for who I am instead of judging myself for who I am not. Thank you." 


What makes this program different to any others?

This is an incredible opportunity to work with a highly recommended Transformation Coach on a 121 basis who has lots of experience changing sister's lives.

The moment we start working together, I am both your cheerleader and challenger, dedicated to helping you level up and evolve. 

What makes this program so different is that I develop tools dependent on your needs so that your unique aspirations can be met fully. 

This is a 3-6 month container where I hold space just for you, so that you get exactly what your heart desires out of this investment.

We don't waste time together. 

We get you to where you want to be.

Are you ready to embody your best self and enhance the magic that lies within you?

What do sisters who have worked with Hannah 

have to say about their experience?

It is time to step up, embrace your feminine energy & trust your inner-knowing.

FAQs about The Goddess Revival

1. How do I speak to you further about this?

Please feel free to send me a message requesting further information. There will no salesy chat so do not worry. Or go ahead and scroll down and book in your FREE 15 minute Discovery Call during which we can explore whether this program is a good fit for you and will give you what you need.

2. I have never invested in myself before. What can I expect?

Investing in yourself for the first time can feel intimidating. Trust me I have been there.

I remember the first time I invested £1000+ in myself by hiring a Coach I was scared it wouldn't work out but now I am so glad I did.

The ripple effects of investing in your personal development are huge. 

The moment you energetically exchange the payment, the Universe starts to deliver in ways you would never expect. 

For example, if I never invested in working on my self-worth, I would not have created my successful online business which fulfils me on a soul level and gives me the freedom to work and travel the world. I am deeply grateful I let my intuition decide and I took that step!

Don't underestimate the power in personal growth. 

Life is short and this is exactly what you deserve.  

3. How will I know if this is right for me?

Listen to your heart. What does it say? This is what you must follow always♡

4. What kind of results have you had with previous clients?

I have had sisters go from keeping themselves small to fully stepping into their authenticity which has radically changed what and who is attracted into their life. 

I have helped sisters navigate career up levels, completely shift the way they perceive themselves and experience a whole new joy for life. 

I have seen sisters deeply rooted in their masculine energy, start to welcome in the feminine and feel more alive than ever before. 

I have helped sisters navigate big life decisions through connecting with their heart and intuition which has up-levelled everything. 

The sisters I have worked with have gone on to build successful businesses, attract in their ideal partner, travel the world, get promoted at work and feel the freedom that emerges when you feel good in your own skin. 

Each sister approaches me for their own unique reasons but the results are always the same- monumental growth and an overflow of self-love in their career and personal life. 

A note from Hannah⬇

The Creator of The Goddess Revival

"I see it time and time again with the sisters who are sent my way by the Universe for support. They think they are lacking something. That their true self is something to reduce down and push into a box.

But as our sessions progress I see the shift. 

I see the Goddess that lives deep within them start to rise up. 

And as my 121 clients begin to make decisions from a place of love and not fear, the life-changing results never fail to amaze me. 

Witnessing the transformation firsthand is what makes this work so rewarding to me. 

We are so, so capable of unlocking our power and strength. Everything you need is right there inside of you, all of your magic waiting to be released. 

Sometimes you just need a guide to light the path and show you the way. 

This is what I am here to do. 

You don't have to go through this journey alone.

All my love,

Han x"

What are you waiting for?♡

Book in your FREE Discovery Call today with Hannah to see if The Goddess Revival is right for you.

An incredible journey awaits you...

