Feel in control of your hormones without starting another diet plan even if you're stretched to the limit.

Being healthy in perimenopause doesn't have to be all or nothing. It doesn't have to be hard.

The Happy Hormones Membership

with Jo Crovini

Life is 100 miles an hour 24/7 and there aren't enough hours in the day. You were just about coping until perimenopause tipped you over the edge and now you're exhausted. You commit to being healthier, you're enthusiastic and throw yourself in to a new plan. BUT after a week you lose motivation. It's too hard. In perimenopause your hormones are erratic and you need a different approach.

You've tried to do too much, you're tired, it wasn't realistic, and what you need at this stage of your life is different.

It's impossible to be perfect all the time and you've tried every diet under the sun, lost weight then put it all back on and more. BUT you could feel so much healthier and happier by doing things differently. When your hormones start to change from 40 onwards you need a different plan. You need to eat differently not less. You need to ditch the deprivation approach because it won't work for you.

This membership is perfect for 40+ women who:

  • Need motivation and want ideas on how to support their hormones and stay healthy at this time of life
  • Want to lose weight, feel healthier and understand the right food and lifestyle choices for perimenopause

Members say that they love having inspiration and different ideas for meals, ideas for swaps and tweaks, being able to chat to me and other members and having a structured plan to follow. And that those things helped them reach their health goals faster.
Not everyone wants or needs a structured plan so this membership is about giving you choices. It’s not prescriptive.  Results don’t rely on your following a diet plan or cutting foods out. 

Louise: “Sleep has deffo improved and I'm now regularly getting at least 5-6 hours sleep a night and that's massive for me! Thank you so much for all your help and support. I can't tell you how much better, more confident and in control of things I feel at the mo. You're a wonderful woman!"

I love witnessing the transformations in women I work with.

It's about doing what's right for you. It's not about perfection.

Katina: “One of the things I like about working with you is the realism".

When does it start? It's an ongoing flexible membership so you can join and leave anytime.

Will there be veggie and vegan options? Yes all dietary needs are catered for.

I've tried all the diets, why is this different? This isn't a diet - it's a way of setting goals and being supported to achieve them over the long term. And it's a new approach to eating and lifestyle that better suits your changing hormones.

What if I can't make the live sessions? Everything will be recorded so you can catch up later and the Facebook group will always be open. There's a lot included in the membership so you can use the bits that work for you and leave the bits that don't. If you'd prefer not to include the calls you can opt for the basic membership.

What is included in the basic membership? The basic membership still has the monthly theme, masterclass and menu plan as well as the Facebook group for questions and discussion. It doesn't include the live calls.

The Practical Stuff:

  • Monthly themes with masterclass and menu plan
  • Weekly Zoom coaching calls to keep you on track**
  • Supportive Facebook community for accountability and sharing
  • Weekly recipe inspiration, simple meals and grabbable foods
  • A weekly top tip video

**We have group meetings on a Wednesday, but attendance is optional. There are other ways to speak to me and get help. The basic plan does not include these calls.

*Fair usage policy

You might have tried “diets” before and they didn’t work. You blame yourself for not having enough willpower because you just couldn’t find the time to implement everything. Or get your head in the right place to put time into planning and cooking. This membership is different because it's totally flexible and works around you. And it accounts for your changing hormones and the different way you need to eat.

As you head through perimenopause you really feel the pressure. The pressure to eat well, exercise, work, ferry the kids around, socialise, etc. It's exhausting and it's no surprise that you can't keep up with your diet. It starts with one busy day when you can't eat as planned and before you know it you're back to where we started.

Every time this happens you feel worse about yourself. And if you stay on this cycle...

You'll continue fighting a losing battle being on and off a diet.

You might try HRT thinking it'll sort everything out and then realise you still need to make the diet and lifestyle changes alongside it.

You'll be flat, unmotivated, sleeping badly and irritable with your family.

BUT it doesn't have to be that way. You can do things differently.

Rachel: “I look at food in such a different way now and I'm feeling so much better and happier, I never weigh but go on how I feel and good food makes you feel better and it's that simple!"

What Current Members Are Saying:

Lis: “It's a great source of information and support. Love the flexibility of it so you can use the group how it suits you."

Rachel: “I look at food in such a different way now and I'm feeling so much better and happier, I never weigh but go on how I feel and good food makes you feel better and it's that simple!. The updates on Facebook are great as it's a daily reminder and I feel I need that to trigger my mind, when I see you pop up I think woo what can I try today or plan for. The zoom meetings are very beneficial and it's lovely and relaxed and I don't feel pressure, it's nice to hear other people in the group's ideas and that you're not alone. It's a lovely support for me and I always feel motivated after a zoom call. The recipes are great and I love being more experimental, even my husband is enjoying!"

Katina: “One of the things I like about working with you is the realism”.

Louise: “Sleep has deffo improved and I'm now regularly getting at least 5-6 hours sleep a night and that's massive for me! Thank you so much for all your help and support. I can't tell you how much better, more confident and in control of things I feel at the mo. You're a wonderful woman!"
