About The Momologist™

The Momologist™ is a mom-led video podcast that inspires, empowers and educates parents in their search for child-rearing wisdom. It’s a community where overthinking and overanalyzing is celebrated by like-minded parents who are committed to collecting as many resources, insights and strategies as possible. Motivated by a desire to “know it all”, a Momologist is an inquisitive parent who probes, analyzes, and gathers information in pursuit of becoming better equipped to mold a life.

But this hunt for answers can often be a bitter-sweet journey. It's an endeavor that can feel like an endless goose-chase filled with questions, succeeded by even more follow-up questions. To end the confusion and create a space for fellow Momologists to gather much-needed insights, I interview medical doctors, psychologists, scientists, midwives, doulas, coaches, consultants and more!

Together, we dig through innovative theories, controversial claims and even current trending news, while also re-examining popular studies to challenge the status quo. We explore a variety of topics relating to feeding, education, self-esteem, health, social habits and more. Ultimately, the goal of this podcast is to give moms a source of mentorship and refuge, preparing them with the knowledge and resources to take a more confident and conscious approach to parenting. Here, every momologist can embrace her underrated skills of “over”-thinking within a supportive, curious tribe of fellow moms.
