The SASSY Method

Talking doesn’t come easily to everyone. I get that. I’ve been shy all my life.

I saw other people having convos that I wished I was having and I started changing my ways. It wasn't easy at first but I began to realise that I was having more and more convos with strangers, and walking away smiling. I figured out that the convos that were successful followed the same pattern each time, and that I was making all of them happen! 

It got a whole lot easier, and more comfy talking to people I didn't know. Then I realised that some of the other convos I had to have were easier too, because I felt so much more confident!  

Now I bring you the method that I've been using. It's 5 steps that you can try on their own, in any order, and all together.

It'll work for you, if you try it and persist.  The small convos you begin will give you the confidence for bigger convos, which could lead to all sorts of great opportunities.

If you want to expand your circle of friends, improve your conversation skills, and change your life for the better, you need this technique.

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The SASSY Method

This is a technique which helps you to talk to new people, get conversations happening, and continuing- if you want them to. Make new friends, get to know colleagues better, and gain confidence, using The SASSY Method in a range of situations.

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