This Is Me!

Free three day mindset shift challenge for female biz owners

Monday 27th - Weds 29th November 2023 (Via Voxer and Zoom)

🙋‍♀️Do you feel somewhat stuck with the progress of your business - making the same mistakes again and again? 

🙋‍♀️Do you feel frustrated that you're not making the progress you'd hoped? Or you start to make some progress but then things seem to always tail off again?

🙋‍♀️Do you find yourself often struck with imposter syndrome, self-doubt or comparisonitis?!?

The missing piece of your business journey puzzle is so often your own mindset and confidence

Over the years I have learnt tools and practices that help me in all these areas and I want to share some of them with you to help you with simple mindset shifts to build your confidence and start to breaking free from things that have limited you in the past!

During this 3 day challenge, we will cover:

⭐ Goal setting

⭐ Limiting beliefs and stories we tell ourselves that can hold us back

⭐ Self-confidence

The challenge will take place within a private Voxer group. For those of you not familiar with Voxer it is a very simple to use, free tool much like Whatsapp where you can send messages - both typed and voice notes, images, videos, files, etc. Each of the three days I will share a training with you and set you a short challenge and there will prizes to be won for those of you who get involved and do the challenges!

At the end of the three days there will also be a hot seat coaching session on Zoom where you will have the opportunity to ask any further questions, to get more support, to build on the work you have done during the three day challenge.

I know how busy life can be so my promise to you is that the challenges won't take more than 10-15 mins each day and my trainings will be no longer than 10 minutes! Above and beyond that you can use the Voxer group as much or as little as you'd like. I will be in the group chat at many points over the three days to answer any questions and give feedback.

If you've ever been to one of my masterclasses, coaching sessions or been in my membership you will know that  what you get with me is a fun, friendly and informal experience where no question is too small or too big and everyone is encouraged to get involved in a safe and comfortable environment.

So, please come and join me for this amazing free experience, by signing up below and I'll send you all the details nearer the time. (Don't worry if you are not familiar with Voxer, it really is so simple to set up and I will support you with that).

Let's go...
