If you're drowning in Single Mum Chaos, here’s Your Lifeline!

Run by me (Julia) - a Certified Divorce Coach and a Certified Transition and Recovery Coach

Hi! I'm Julia, a Certified Divorce Coach and a Certified Transition and Recovery Coach. As a single mother myself for 8 years, I understand the unique challenges and triumphs that come with this role. 

I help single mothers navigate and adjust to the reality of raising kids alone, and to overcome and grow through all its associated struggles by providing strategies, tools, and most of all community so you are supported as you learn to THRIVE and feel empowered, at peace, organised, motivated, balanced, confident, and happy.

I've created Thrive Tribe to provide a safe and supportive space for single mothers to connect, learn, and grow. Together, we can navigate the ups and downs of single motherhood and emerge stronger, happier, and more empowered than ever before.

Join an amazing community of like-minded women

Are you a single mother looking for support, inspiration, and a tribe of women who understand what you're going through? Look no further! Thrive Tribe is here to empower you, uplift you, and help you navigate the challenges of single motherhood. Our community is filled with incredible women who are ready to support and cheer you on every step of the way.

Grow, thrive and become the best version of yourself

At Thrive Tribe, we believe that being a single mother doesn't mean you have to settle for less. Our mission is to help you grow, thrive, and become the best version of yourself. With access to expert guidance, resources, and tools, you'll have everything you need to overcome obstacles, achieve your goals, and create a fulfilling life for you and your children. It's time to unlock your potential and embrace the incredible journey of single motherhood.

What you get:

  • A community of like-minded single mums who understand.
  • Strategies that will help you go from feeling alone, overwhelmed, frustrated, worried, and unsure how to move forward to calm, clear, connected, strong, and in control living happily with intention and purpose.
  • Access to the 5-step path to empowerment that shows you the way to thrive as a single mum.
  • Step-by-step instructions and action items to tick off to get you from where you are right now to where you want to be (i.e. - along your path to thriving and being empowered).
  • Help and support along the way.
  • Flexibility to work through core content, and take ACTION, at your own pace.
  • Four fresh pieces of content every month. These include things like resources and pieces of training, guest expert speakers, masterclasses and workshops, accountability calls, group Zoom chats, and Facebook live sessions where you can get all your questions answered.
  • Access to our HUGE library of resources including all the past workshops from myself and guest speakers and all the past Facebook live Q&A sessions.
  • Surprise bonuses!

While you wait until enrollment opens, let me help...

Listen to the Single Mother Survival Guide Podcast.

Listen to it here.

Read the Single Mother Survival Guide Blog.

Read it here.

Join the FREE Facebook support group.

Join it here.
