Are you feeling overwhelmed & frustrated at the moment with all the changes on Instagram? Do you feel like your social media strategy isnโ€™t working anymore?

Maybe youโ€™re seriously time poor wearing all the hats in your business right now? Or you donโ€™t have the time to create fancy transitions and spend hours creating reels so you feel left behind and deflated?

Right now, Tiktok is the fastest and most effective way to establish authority in your niche and grow an audience online.

So if you want to get discovered by more people, grow a bigger (engaged) audience, convert leads into sales quickly, then start by adding TikTok into your Marketing strategy

Erin started in the Academy with 29 followers, by the end of the month she hit 996 followers, had a viral video of 54k views, set up her Stan store, created a lead magnet and was ready to START generating MORE LEADS...

The TikTok Curious Academy is not a course to just learn TikTok, it's a course that will help you understand how to grow your brand online, what lead magnet to think about, how to set up an email system and the techniques to 'sell' your self and your brand online!

But I don't think my ideal customers is TikTok...

Think again, TikTok is one of fasted growing platforms and with an engagement rate of 18% and over 76% of people purchasing a product or service AFTER THEY WATCHED a TikTok, it's a space that can not be ignored in your marketing!

NO it is not just for you 13 year old kids, it is for you Business and your Brand!

The algorithm is so unique and impressive that it knows who needs to see your content (after you start creating and posting it get's to know you) and it remerges past TikToks (unlike Reels) so your content has a longer life. 

Recently there is a HUGE shift to TikTok where it now works heavily with SEO & key words

What does this mean for your business? 

Your TikToks, if created with SEO in mind (which is Module 2 in the Hasgtag happy, SEO Savvy) can pop up in a GOOGLE search...YES this is the way TikTok is going. 

NOW Imagine you say Nah....I don't need to grow my brand online! That's cool,  I totally get it, it feels like more work!

But imagine you say....

Hell Yeah let's get Curious, I want this opportunity before it's a saturated space! Then imagine where you could be in 1,6,12 months all because you started now!? 

If you have any questions, send me an email get them off your chest, let me help you feel clear and ready to SLAY TikTok! 

Cheers Kristen xx
