FREE ONLINE Business Brainwaves Masterclass - "So you're a trustee, now what?

In this masterclass we will cover the purpose of a trust, trustee responsibilities and some tax aspects of trusts.

Being a trustee is a huge responsibility, but there seems to be very little easy-to-understand education available , making this already complicated duty substantially more difficult. As a trustee you have an obligation to fulfil many different duties and as such it is important to have a clear understanding of what is required and expected of you.


Renate Jute

Renate is the Founder of Noble Prosperity and is passionate about helping you, the business owner, deal with the biggest and most pressing frustrations in your business in the shortest possible time. 

FREE Masterclass details

In this Masterclass, Renate will show you what is expected of you as a trustee. In addition Renate will highlight the various duties of a trustee, the purpose of a trust and tax aspects of trusts.

Reserve your seat now!

Date:      Wednesday 30th June 2021

Time:      18:30 - 19:30

FREE Masterclass - So you're a trustee, now what?

Renate is dedicated to building the prosperity of small business owners & is offering a FREE Masterclass each month!

Don't miss out on these Masterclass sessions and register today!

So you're a trustee, now what?

Online Masterclass Details

Date: Wednesday 30th June 2021

Time: 18:30 - 19:30

Click below to register for the masterclass.

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