Vibrational Healing Sessions

With Eliza Mozal

About Your Divine Team

You are Divinely supported, guided and deeply loved at all times.

Your Divine Team talks to you all the time in the language of the heart, always from the place of LOVE, LIGHT & TRUTH.

There is no longer a need for you to feel lonely or confused on this beautiful spiritual journey.

You have come here with greater support, guidance, power and strength that you can tap into at all times.

Can you imagine your life where you do not doubt yourself or your choices or your Divine guidance any longer?

I can, as this is my life now. No more stumbling in the dark.

Just love, light and spiritual evolution throughout all experiences.

Isn't that just WONDERFUL!?!

About Divine Healing

We all carry within us trapped/unprocessed feelings, traumas, scars and emotions that have been suppressed and never processed.

After all, we have been brought up to distract ourselves from any uncomfortable feelings and emotions with food, drink, drugs, sex, alcohol, shopping, TV, other people, drama, anything that is outside of ourselves.

And that is exactly what lowers our vibration, keeping us trapped in same old faulty cycles.

Vibrational, emotional and energetic healing is about going in the session exactly where we need to go in your body, mind and soul.

The most beautiful and fascinating part of that whole process is that I do not need to worry about anything apart from being a clear and pure channel and vessel for that Heavenly Energy, Divine Team and Higher Selves to work through us to bring back Divine Order of harmony and balance.

About Divine Session

*Get re-connected with your Divine Team of guides, guards, Higher Self and Angels via meditation session where I am using Heavenly Love energy to guide you through the process in a safe, calm and peaceful manner

*Energy, vibration and emotional healing to help you entirely let go of pain, fear, trauma, emotional scarring and everything that hold you back from raising your vibrational frequency permanently and living in your soul's Divine purpose

*Spiritual Mentoring on how to raise your vibration permanently and keep on evolving with your Divines Team guidance

>>> In the session, I am bringing Heavenly energy of light, peace, love, clarity and safety to bring awareness and power to heal, transmute and release all that does not serve you best.

>>> My Higher Self guides me in connection with your High Self into that which needs to be done (which could be past life regression and /or Divine guidance on your path and/or healing session) and it is not taking you anywhere you are not ready to go

>>> Depending on what Your Higher Self wants you to receive and know from that session, it could last from 1h up to 2.5 h


Book A Session With Me

Head to my Facebook Page "Eliza Mozal-Spiritual Mentor" and click on the blue button 'Send message'.

Send me a short video message about your desire to book a session with me, as this is the most time-efficient way of connecting.

I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Eliza Mozal - Spiritual Mentor

About Me

In January 2015 I dove deeper than ever before into the world of spirituality and started going through the processes of spiritual awakenings.

As we know, it is not just one single boom, but multiple booms that never end. Just like counting galaxies in the multiverse, it doesn't end, creating one massive beautiful journey filled with adventures and discoveries.

Very quickly I have developed a daily spiritual routine which enabled me to grow and evolve spiritually on a daily basis.

For over 5 years now I have been helping others to overcome that which holds them back from living fully, freely and purposefully.

That inner joy, open heart filled with love & gratitude and that safe feeling of wholeness is what we want and deserve so much on our spiritual journeys.

I could not get peace of mind without it, therefore as soon I BE-came it, I fell in love with helping others to BE that too.

Recently I have been expanding my inner abilities, skills, powers and gifts and my Higher Self wants me very strongly to help others connect with their Divine Teams and Angelics.

I am carrying in my soul a particle of Shekinah, the first Divine Feminine and that enables me to directly connect with Heavenly realm of Love, Light & Peace, which I have learned to transmute into others, helping them connect with their Divine Team.

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