RECEIVE YOUR LESSONS VIA 3 WAYS: 1) Ebook, 2) Web, 3) Email

What golfers are saying about

Pierre Roussel

Forest Technician

I started this program a couple of years.  I loved it then and I still like it and use it today.  It has helped me to improve my skills in so many ways. I use to slice the ball with very little control from my shots.  This program helped me understand how to stop slicing the ball.  I added 40 yards to my drives by better transferring my weight using the drills in this program. My short game also improved a lot. I broke 80 last season and I love the game that much more. Thank you Claude for providing this program.

Quebec, Canada

Alex Perry


I started golfing at a young age. I never took golf lessons. This program has given me the knowledge and the skills needed to play better. Understanding the techniques of many shots allows me to practice with confident. I can practice and see the difference in my game. The strategies provided were something I had never known before. I am using all of my clubs now and I know my limits when going for the green. This program has helped me to lower my score. Great program!

Boston, USA

Michelle Miller


I love the program and the ability to bring this information at the course when practising. I downloaded the ebook in my phone. I often look at certain drills when practising, it helps me immensely. I also love the email coming in on a regular basis. This reminds me to take time to review the information and material in each lesson. I can also practise my swing indoor using the drills provided in the lessons. I am a visual person and I also love all the images included in each lesson. I am much more confident and consistent when playing the game. Thank you so much. 

Ontario, Canada

About the author

Claude LeBlanc

Teaching Golf Professional
25 Year Member of the PGA of Canada
CEO of

Golf has always been part of my life. Teaching people how to play this great game is a passion of mine. I often see people practising the wrong way, and think, if only they would take lessons in order to improve their skills, they would find it so much easier, less stressful and definitely more fun.

With today’s lifestyle, I can certainly understand why taking golf lessons by a golf professional can be so difficult, as indicated below:

1) Time:  finding the time for golf lessons can be hard to do;

2) Intimidation:  taking lessons by a golf professional, at a certain place, certain time can be intimidating and nerve racking; and

3) Money:  for many people, taking private lessons with a golf professional at the cost of between $40.00 to $75.00 per hour can be very costly. Purchasing the full ''5 Swing Golf Program'' at a very low price of $19.95 US will provide you with all the necessary written information and tools to improve your overall knowledge and performance of your game. It will always be there to refer to and practice by yourself, at your own pace.

This is why I created the “5 Swing Golf Program”, which is Ebook 5, that can help and provide a comfortable learning environment. Give me 10 minutes a day and I will show you how to play this great game.

Over 1,000 hours have been put into this program. Every lesson is information that will help you, together with lots of practises, reach your full potential. Over 50 educational drills on how to learn and improve your golf swing are included in this program which many of them can be used in the comfort of your own home.

I hope you will enjoy my lessons. A follow up on your progress by offering you a video analysis, for a small fee, is also part of my program. Send me your 20 second video of your golf swing and I will analyse it with the help of a V1 Coaching Software. Once in receipt of the results, I will provide you with my recommendations on what you should be practising to better your swing and improve your overall game. I also incorporate Muscle Memory in many of my lessons to accelerate the learning process. 

Golf is not only a great game but can be a life time activity which can bring many hours of fun with friends and family. Why not play better and have fun doing it?

Hope you will put your trust in me by letting me teach you this great game of golf!

Claude LeBlanc
Teaching Golf Professional
