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FBN networking - Lite - annual subscription

Unlimited online networking meetings (minimum 1 per month), VIP FB group, promotional opportunities & other benefits

35.00 GBP

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Say Hello to your new business connections!

Our LITE membership is perfect if you want to network online, maybe don't have a FBN group nearby, or aren't ready for face-to-face networking just yet.

The monthly online meetings will help grow your connections and boost your confidence. Plus, with guest speakers and a variety of meetings, there will always be something, or someone new to get to know.

It can be lonely working for yourself. Maybe you're working from home, and don't have the chance to get out as much as you'd like?

Maybe you don't have friends that run their own business, so don't have the support network to ask questions, share your successes or validate your ideas with?

This is where the Female Business Network can help - a community of like-minded women who understand how your feel.

Join today, and get to know our community? I make sure its a friendly, welcoming environment, no matter how experienced in business you are or what your business is. We're in this together, and here to be your trusted community,

Janine x


Annual subscription - £35.00.

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FBN networking - Lite - annual subscription

Unlimited online networking meetings (minimum 1 per month), VIP FB group, promotional opportunities & other benefits

35.00 GBP

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