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Now's the time - Sign UP and get started today...

(Doors close at 8 am Eastern on Monday January 24th)

This Challenge is closed... for now. 

If you would like to get a free copy of my Vitamin C Get Started Guide and be added to my email list, just click below! I plan to run many more Vitamin C challenges and I'd love to stay in touch!

Need Vitamin C?

Just make sure you order or buy food grade, pure ascorbic acid. It is a powder you dissolve in water, juice or a smoothie.

Order HereOr here

Want a source that isn't Amazon? Support your health and a family owned business here: Revitalize Wellness (just be aware that shipping times will be longer!)

If you have a Vitamin Shoppe in your area you can buy Ascorbic Acid in their store

Questions? Email me at:

This challenge is for you if: 

  1. You are just starting on your Vitamin C journey or...
  2. You already take Vitamin C often or daily but aren't sure if you take enough or feel nervous about how to increase your dose or...
  3. You want to up your "Vitamin C Game" by learning more about bowel tolerance, flushing and how to stop illness in its tracks with your Vitamin C intake.

Making a new habit often feels difficult or daunting. But it doesn't have to be! When you make a commitment and have a group holding you accountable, forming a new habit becomes much simpler and easier. 

This challenge will be for 3 weeks (21 days!) - so for less than $1 a day you will establish a habit that makes you healthier and happier for the rest of your life! This is a no-brainer!

How do I know that taking Vitamin C daily will change your life? Because I've been doing it for almost 5 years and it has changed my and my family's life. Not only are we physically healthier, we are also mentally and emotionally stronger because we feel confident about how to handle illness when it inevitably occurs.

Here's what you can expect during the challenge:

Week 1

Obtain C & Establish Your Habit

Step 1: Get your Vitamin C if you haven't already! 

Step 2: Slow and steady wins this race! Start with a small amount every morning. Make sure to check in on our Facebook group to hear what other Vitamin C challengers are doing and ask any questions!

Week 2

Find Your Bowel Tolerance

Maybe you know what "bowel tolerance" is but it seems too scary or difficult to figure out. Or maybe you're a total Vitamin C "noob" and you have no idea what the heck bowel tolerance is! 

Step 1: Learn what "Bowel Tolerance" is.

Step 2: Find a day where you can experiment and figure out what *your* unique Vitamin C needs are!

Week 3

Flushing and taking C when sick

By the end of this week you will be your own Vitamin C expert! You will learn what a flush is, when and why you would want to do a flush and how much Vitamin C you need when you are sick. 

Step 1: Learn what a flush is, when to do one, how and why you want to!

Step 2: For the brave, bold Vitamin C lover - Go for it! What better time to try something new than when you have the full support of someone whose done it and a curious group along side of you?



Bonus 1: Myth Busters! 

Have you heard that taking "extra" vitamin C is pointless and is just making "expensive pee" - aka your body just excretes the excess? hmm... can that be true?

Are you worried that you can take "too much" vitamin C? That Vitamin C can cause kidney stones or other health issues? Let's take a closer look! 

Have you heard that "food sources" of C are better than synthetic (ascorbic acid). Let's see if that's true!

Bonus 2: Guest Speaker Theo Farmer 

Vitamin C expert Theo Farmer joins us to share more of his vast Vitamin C knowledge and experience. Get more details when you join!

Why Pay for What's available for Free? 

Great question! I offer all of this information for free, as do many other generous people.  But most people do not apply this life changing information to their lives. The truth is, we all have good intentions of forming healthy habits but we often fall short. When you commit to an action with money you increase the odds by a lot in your favor of actually making a change! I now understand how important commitment and accountability are and I'm ready to help others make real change in their lives. 

Throughout the challenge I will be going Live in our private group to share crucial Vitamin C information, stories and my experience. I will also be available to answer any questions you have. We will also have 2 Zoom calls, one to kick things off and one to wrap up the challenge.

I've mentioned that Vitamin C is life changing, but it is also Life Saving. My family has experienced this directly. I will be sharing more about this in the challenge. We've seen that the best way to spread the word is person to person. $20 is a very small price to pay to change your lives, save lives and make the world a better place! I'm sure you agree. 

We are going to learn together, have fun and GET HEALTHIER by creating a daily Vitamin C habit.

**This challenge is not to be used as medical advice. RiseUP with Susan May LLC is not a medical care provider and as such never gives medical advice. Consult your care provider with any health concerns.**

Need Vitamin C?

Just make sure you order or buy food grade, pure ascorbic acid. It is a powder you dissolve in water, juice or a smoothie.

Order HereOr here

Want a source that isn't Amazon? Support your health and a family owned business here: Revitalize Wellness (just be aware that shipping times will be longer!)

If you have a Vitamin Shoppe in your area you can buy Ascorbic Acid in their store

Questions? Email me at:

Who Am I?

Hello! My Name is Susan May. I am the Founder of RiseUP with Susan May and the RiseUP Community. My mission is to help medical freedom advocates and "new normal" skeptics overcome their fears by creating like-minded virtual communities, and energizing individuals to take empowered action in their lives. My life has uniquely prepared me for this moment in time and I am determined to use all I have learned to help others who are drawn to my vision.

What do I mean that I am uniquely prepared? When the madness hit the world in 2020, my family's path had led us to be in a different place than most. We had already begun to "unplug" from the mainstream education, medical and media systems. This proved to be extremely beneficial.

RiseUP with Susan May is all about each of us living our best lives and Unplugging Peacefully. But what does Vitamin C have to do with “Unplugging”? Everything! Last year when COVID-19 started to hit the media, my family was curious. We had a lot of questions. But we never felt scared. Why? I think one of the biggest factors was our use of high dose Vitamin C.

You see, we had already been taking high doses of Vitamin C for 4 years by 2020. We had used it through many minor illnesses and a couple of more serious flu-like illnesses. Not only that, but I was connected to a network of alternative care professionals and lay people who were knowledgeable about treating viruses effectively.

It is my sincere and informed opinion that if the majority of our population knew about the power of Vitamin C, 2020 would have unfolded much differently. The media’s powerful influence - which is exerted through fear and repetition - would have been minimized. Because knowledge empowers people and dissolves fear. In addition to the lives that would have been saved because of this Vitamin C knowledge, questions would have been asked, healthy debate would have flourished, and people would have been free to make risk/reward analyses that made sense for their families. In essence, Vitamin C diminishes our collective dependence on mainstream medicine AND media - aka: Vitamin C helps us unplug.

I am so glad that you are interested in learning more about the power of Vitamin C! It is life changing. You can feel good, knowing that not only are you becoming healthier, but by becoming informed and taking charge or your health, you are also making the world a better place for everyone. Vitamin C really is a Super Power! And once we feel empowered in one area of our lives, we free up energy that spreads to other areas of our lives. Cheers to learning new things and supporting one another on each of our unique journeys!
