Thank you!

Thank you so much.


You've decided to take control of your copy because you want to create crowd-pulling, jaw-dropping words to boost your business.

I love it because it means you're a driven biz woman like myself.

I'm so excited you're here.

Now, I know you can opt-in for training and not actually come.

But in just 30 minutes (tops) you'll learn what copywriting isn't, why you're probably doing it wrong and a take away fail-proof copy formula.

You'll get an email with your training info shortly.

Want more?

You get a 100% freebie at the end to get your copy sorted quickly.

So don't put this off.

See you there,

Before you go, your next steps are to

  1. Check your inbox to confirm your email. If it's not there, please check your spam or promo tab

  2. Add me to your contact list to guarantee you don't miss out on your webinar. And to get all the juicy freebies which are coming your way.


    In the meantime...

    Let's be Insta and Facebook friends.

    Where I share oodles of tips, bits about marketing, copy and not enough cat photos.


    And one more thing…

    Imagine you could connect with an incredible group of female entrepreneurs who get what you're going through. Well, you can.

    Join me over at Work Wife Wine Time

    If you want to laugh, cry, know you're not alone and learn tactics other's use to cope with all aspects of running a business, then this is the podcast for you.

    See you at wine O'Clock.


    Oh, and if you're wondering who the heck I am, again

    I'm Gemma,

    A copywriter, marketing nerd and English teacher who's obsessed with helping other women in business unleash their voice and get compelling content they're dying to share. And aren't afraid of fearless levelling-up marketing either.

    Because they're done with dull and ready for head-turning. And they deserve it too.

    I've got a few degrees under my jeans, I've worked for major Australian media outlets and agencies in my years. As well as teaching hundreds of kids, teenagers and adults our beautiful English language.

    So if I tell you you're in good hands, I mean it. You're probably in good feet too.

    I look forward to knowing you better and welcome to my biz family.
