What is ICMART Accreditation

There is great diversity of regulations governing the practice of acupuncture worldwide. Our Accreditation standard relates exclusively to the education and training of fully qualified medical practitioners and sets out the essential core elements of knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes necessary for a good curriculum. It provides a consensus framework of training requirements for safe and effective practice of medical acupuncture (the practice of acupuncture by medically qualified practitioners), and outlines the syllabus for examinations leading to a qualification in medical acupuncture conferred by the organizations represented in ICMART. Finally, it presents the minimum standards of education and training in medical acupuncture for physicians, arrived at by consensus of the ICMART membership

Why Accreditation is needed?

The Primary significance of the ICMART Accreditation Standard is that acts as a  safeguard of the qualification of medical acupuncturists worldwide and sets up a precedent for the unified representation of medical acupuncture to  the international organisations and fora (WHO, EUMS etc.) . 

More over- in the case of our European member societies- anticipates the possible regulation that derives from the application of the European Qualifications Framewok (that applies to all non standard education professions)

Last but not least the bearer of a diploma/certificate of an ICMART accredited school is a fully qualified practitioner 

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