The Savvy Girl's Top 12

Toxins To Avoid In Beauty Products™

Many ingredients in cosmetics are not pretty.

Ditch these to reduce your body's toxic burden.

Hey There Savvy Beauty! Want to quickly & easily know what chemicals to avoid when choosing products?

This is your personal cheat sheet.

Knowing your ingredients is the most important factor when it comes to choosing clean products without getting greenwashed.

Kelly Bonanno is an eco friendly lifestyle, organic beauty & wellness consultant helping families & businesses create a healthy beauty & personal care routine, home & workplace environment and lifestyle so they can minimize their body's toxic burden and improve health.

No need to slather yourself with toxins in the name of glamour. Long lists of ingredients are daunting and look like you need a PhD to decipher. I was just as confused and frustrated as you. I did the research so you don't have to.

This is a list of some of the most toxic ingredients that are commonly found in beauty and personal care products.

Eliminate these and you will have a good jumpstart on going non toxic for improved health & looks.

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