Join Emma, the expert in women’s fitness, for an exclusive 121 session.

When did you last give your body some real thought?

Are you going from gym class to gym class but not seeing results? Do you keep stopping and starting and can’t find consistency in your workouts or eating plan?

Does life keep getting in the way? Are you confused over what foods to eat and how to exercise for your body shape?

Do you leak when you cough or sneeze or run? Have you been meaning to start yet can’t get off the starting line? Are you desperate for a better working body?

Do you have aches and pains? Do you lack core stability and no amount of planks seem to be getting you that flatter tummy?

What's included

Understand Your Desires

You will be asked to fill out a detailed questionnaire about your health and well being. From this, Emma can then start to put a plan together to help you commit and reach your goals.

A Detailed Plan

Proper advice on how to move forward, what to do, what to avoid and the time in which Emma believes it can be achieved.Included as well are Emma’s top weight loss tips and how to move forward and be consistent with your eating plan. 

Proper Follow up

Within 48 hours of training with Emma you will be sent a detailed plan of what Emma advises you do to obtain your desired healthier body.  After 30 days you will have a follow up call to see how you are implementing your plan and if need any further assistance.

Your Core

Beginning stage we will focus on pelvic floor, core stability, Diastasis Recti assessment and a posture assessment. Start moving smarter for a more toned working body.

Functional Fitness

learning how to bring the gym to your home. Mums all need to know how to properly lift and carry their kids, bikes, car seat etc.  A mum can easily do a 100 squats and lunges in a day just by picking up lego!

Move The Right Way

A mini workout designed for your body shape and desires.  Being a mum is a very stressful job on the body, yet moving correctly can also help you lose weight and tone up!

Why is this different?

Many gyms memberships and group classes are great for fitness but many ladies still look and feel the same a year after joining!  Many ladies sign up to things and don’t commit and spend their lives wishing they felt fitter and healthier.

Emma learnt the hard way and spent £1000’s on workout plans and diets that were a waste of time.  Since becoming a Mum and a specialist in Women’s health and fitness she now coaches women just like you to help them achieve results.

The body MOT is just like a service for your car, you need to fine tune your body in order to get results.

Are you ready to become one of Emma’s transformation clients?

Payment will be required in full before booking.

Before Emma will take you on as a client she first needs to know a little bit about YOU, after all the body MOT is the start of YOU feeling amazing for YOU!

Fill out the info below to receive your questions. If Emma feels she can help you then she will reply within 24 hours with payment details and how to book.  Space available sat afternoon and daytimes only.

Please no time wasters, Emma only wants women that are ready to change!