How you can work with me

"Investing in myself and my self-worth and working with Hannah was one of the best decisions I have made. By working 1 on 1 with Hannah she has shown me that I all need is already within me. I just needed to dig through the layers of self- doubt and imposter syndrome and find my confidence in order to lead women on their healing journeys. 

If you have any doubts about investing time and money with working with Hannah, I say let that sh*t go and make the leap! 

It will be the best decision you have made!" 


☽❂☾ Sign up to The Goddess Revival

This is my transformative 121 program tailored uniquely to suit your needs.

The Goddess Revival will guide you to your truth and help you unlock your greatest power. Are you ready to feel unstoppable and stop playing small? 

It is time to revive the Goddess that lives within you!

Click here to find out more...

"I am so happy to have you as my Transformation Coach. You have helped me open up so much and transform. I show up as my best self now...not for others but for me. I love your work sooo much and feel blessed to work with you!"


☽❂☾ 121 Business & Empowerment Mentoring

Alongside my Transformation and Energy Coaching, I also serve sisters as a Business & Empowerment Mentor, helping startup entrepreneurs dedicated to serving others, gain clarity on their vision, up-level their mindset and create an abundant online business which fulfils their soul's calling.

"Magic does not happen in your comfort zone. Coaches, healers, mentors, guides and aspiring space is time to birth your vision and embody the most empowered, unstoppable version of yourself. The world needs you.

Click here to find out more about Business & Empowerment Mentoring packages...

"I wouldn't say I am your typical Business & Empowerment Mentor. 

I encourage sisters to use the magic of energy, the power of their intuition and the strength of the feminine to help them thrive because I truly believe these are your superpowers.

I also believe you can create the business you want around the life you want. 

A business which embodies ease and flow.

A business which lights you up and never leaves you feeling depleted. 

A business where you feel at home"

Hannah Harmon

How you can work with me angel (continued)⬇

☽❂☾ Join one of my online Divine Sister Circles

I believe sisterhood should be a normal part of life. This is because it is SO magical and nurturing. Therefore, I hold space for sisters every month around the Full Moon. We share, journal, connect, laugh, pull cards, learn empowering knowledge, dance, draw, let go under the Full Moon and call in energy that leaves you feeling powerful and proud to be who you are.

☽❂☾Join me for my live events

I love inspiring women to aim high, practice self-care and live in tune with their cyclical nature.

Therefore, every month I hold events and workshops that help educate my community about their bodies, the infinite Universe and personal growth. Recent topics have included How To Create Your Own Vision Board, How To Achieve Your Goals, Self-Care, Self-Love and Cyclical Living.

"Magic does not happen in your comfort zone.

Coaches, healers, mentors, guides and aspiring space is time to birth your vision and embody the most empowered, unstoppable version of yourself. The world needs you."

Hannah Harmon

What people have to say about working with me

as their Transformation & Energy Coach

What people have to say about working with me

as their 121 Business & Empowerment Mentor

"Thank you so much. I honestly can't believe it! You are magical. It amazes me every time these up-levels happen."- Sophie (@glow.grrl)

Fun fact: After only 1 session together Sophie went on to sign her first client who paid in full! What a Queen!

"I am still digesting our beautiful session. Thank you from the bottom of my heart" - Naam (@thecyclicalcook)

Hannah has been amazing to work with in our 121s. She has done a fantastic job calling me out (nicely!) on my limiting beliefs as well as giving me concrete action items to work on. 

She is easy to talk to, funny and understanding. I always leave our calls feeling so motivated and empowered. 

Thank you, Hannah! - Joline

"Investing in myself and working with Hannah was one of the best decisions I have ever made. By working 121 with Hannah, she has shown me that I all need is already within me. 

I just needed to dig through the layers of self- doubt and imposter syndrome and find my confidence in order to lead women on their healing journeys. 

If you have any doubts about investing time and money with working with Hannah, I say let that sh*t go and make the leap!

It will be the best decision you have made!" - Jennifer

"Working with Hannah has completely changed my outlook on how I want to run my business.

Hannah helped me to find daily practices to empower and inspire myself throughout my working week. 

Bringing the physical and emotional body into my work life has allowed me to remain balanced and enthused about running my coaching business.

She was kind, supportive and inspiring throughout each part of our coaching. 

Thank you Hannah for being such an incredible part of my journey" -Sophie (

"It is hard to put into words the gifts I have received attending Hannah's circles and receiving 121 coaching. I have completely committed to myself.

I found Hannah's business mentoring program when I was ready to start my journey. I wasn't comfortable in a traditional job setting and I wanted that to change that, I just didn't know how.

It felt like I was handed the blueprints to my success. We sat down and planned out everything together. I am so grateful to have received her gifts and knowledge. She has so much to offer. Truly transformative!" - Daisy

A note from Hannah

From her soul to yours...


You were not put on this Earth to play small.

You were not meant to be held back my fear.

You were not born to feel anything less than incredible.

It is time to believe you are good enough.

It is time to believe you are worthy for what you desire.

You are here to thrive. 

To grow. 

To evolve.

To step into unlimited expansion.

To venture into the shadow and step out the other side 

ready for an abundance of magic.

If your heart is feeling called to work with me then tune in and listen. 


Whether you are a service based business owner ready to birth their vision or a sister who is ready to feel like a Goddess, I am here to help you recognise your power, work through anything holding you back and encourage you to dream big so you can create the ideal life you deserve. 
